

Cookies information on this site

This site uses cookies and saves them to your devices in compliance with laws. The following text contains information on what cookies are, the types of cookies, how to switch cookies off in your browser and some other useful information.

We recommend that you read this information carefully. If you have any further questions related to the usage of cookies on this website, feel free to email us at

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored by the browser (for example, Internet Explorer) on your computer or mobile phone or similar device. Cookies allow our websites to store information such as user preferences or settings so when you return you don't have to input such information again. Cookies can not be used for identification of visitors or the misuse of login information.

Types of cookies according their functionality:

We use cookies of third parties as well. These cookies are managed by third parties and we do not keep data that they process.

How to turn off cookies?

It is possible to prevent your browser from accepting cookies, or to stop accepting cookies from a particular website. You can usually find these settings in the Options or Preferences menu of your browser. Take into consideration that blocking of cookies could have an impact on certain functionalities and related links of this website.

What types of cookies we use:

Our site can use the following cookies:
Google Analytics and other local cookies such as:


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